Indian National Congress (INC)

A Leader who Stood for the Growth of the Congress Party

When we start talking about Ramesh Chennithala, the first thing that comes to mind is his achievement as the youngest minister to join the Indian National Congress, at a very young age.

Ramesh Chennithala started his career in school politics at KSU. During his college years, he worked very hard to strengthen the organization for KSU and later went on to became the state leader of Youth Congress. His organization of the Youth Congress at the state level and the national level, was done in the best possible way. He is a leader who took many sacrifices to strengthen the organization.

Indira Gandhi, the Prime Minister of India at that time, called Ramesh Chennithala to Delhi and kept him as her most trusted leader. He was the most trusted person for Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi and the Congress Party and was entrusted with many crucial tasks to strengthen the party.

There was a period when the Congress Party in Kerala almost collapsed, and it was Ramesh Chennithala who rushed to Kerala from Delhi to save his movement. He was appointed as KPCC President, and his efforts and hard work took Congress to its utmost pinnacle.

Today, the party is a movement that was formed after a lot of difficulties. It was strengthened at the grassroots level by working at the booth, in that era when there were no social media activities, smart phones, WhatsApp, and Facebook.

Ramesh Chennithala is a political leader who worked at the base of the party, performed organizational duties, sat with the party workers, slept with them, inquired about their well-being, led struggles from the front, ran to his people and held them together, if they were injured in the struggle.

Indian National Congress

Ramesh Chennithala has had a long-standing relationship with the Indian National Congress (INC), one of the major political parties in India. Here is a brief history of his association with the party:

Early Affiliation:

Chennithala's political career began with the Indian National Congress. He joined the party as a young activist and quickly rose through the ranks, actively participating in the party's activities and youth organizations.

Rise within the Party:

Chennithala's dedication and leadership skills earned him recognition within the Congress party. He emerged as a prominent leader, known for his organizational abilities and grassroots connect. Over the years, he held various positions within the party, including serving as the President of the Kerala Students Union (KSU) and later as a member of the Congress Working Committee (CWC).

Legislative Career:

Chennithala's affiliation with the Indian National Congress played a significant role in his legislative career. He contested and won multiple elections to the Kerala Legislative Assembly as a Congress candidate, representing the Haripad constituency. His consistent victories further solidified his association with the party.

Ministerial Positions:

As a member of the Indian National Congress, Chennithala held several ministerial positions in the Kerala government. He served as a minister in different governments led by the Congress party, handling portfolios such as Rural Development, Home Affairs, Tourism, and Health. These positions provided him with the opportunity to implement party policies and contribute to governance.

Party Leadership Roles:

Chennithala's relationship with the Congress party deepened as he took up various leadership roles. He served as the General Secretary of the All India Congress Committee (AICC), the central organization of the party, which played a crucial role in formulating party strategies and policies at the national level. He also held the position of President of the Kerala Pradesh Congress Committee (KPCC), leading the party's activities in the state.

AICC General Secretary:

Chennithala served as the General Secretary of the All India Congress Committee (AICC), the central organization of the Indian National Congress. This position provided him with a prominent role in formulating party strategies and policies at the national level.

State President of Kerala Pradesh Congress Committee:

In 2014, Chennithala was appointed as the President of the Kerala Pradesh Congress Committee (KPCC), the state unit of the Indian National Congress in Kerala. He played a vital role in leading the party's activities in the state during this tenure.

Social Initiatives:

Chennithala has been actively involved in various social initiatives, including campaigns for literacy, healthcare, and empowerment of marginalized sections of society. He has been instrumental in organizing programs and awareness campaigns on issues such as women's rights, child welfare, and education.

Kerala Pradesh Congress Committee (KPCC)

Ramesh Chennithala has had a significant relationship with the Kerala Pradesh Congress Committee (KPCC), the state unit of the Indian National Congress (INC) in Kerala. Here is an overview of his association with the KPCC:

President of KPCC:

In 2014, Ramesh Chennithala was appointed as the President of the Kerala Pradesh Congress Committee (KPCC), the highest position within the state unit of the Indian National Congress.

As the KPCC President, he played a crucial role in leading the party's activities in Kerala and overseeing its organizational matters.

Party Revival and Strengthening:

During his tenure as the KPCC President, Chennithala worked towards reviving and strengthening the party in Kerala. He focused on building grassroots support, increasing party membership, and reinvigorating the party organization at various levels. He implemented strategies to connect with the people, mobilize party workers, and counter the political challenges faced by the Congress in the state.

Electoral Campaigns:

Chennithala led the party's electoral campaigns in several state assembly elections and played a key role in strategizing and mobilizing party workers. He actively campaigned across the state, addressing public rallies, interacting with voters, and promoting the party's agenda and candidates.

Coordinating Party Affairs:

As the KPCC President, Chennithala coordinated and supervised the overall functioning of the party in Kerala. He worked closely with other party leaders, legislators, and functionaries to ensure effective communication, coordination, and implementation of party policies and programs.

Engaging with Party Workers:

Chennithala maintained a strong relationship with party workers and functionaries at various levels. He interacted with grassroots workers, listened to their concerns, and addressed their grievances. His emphasis on inclusivity and involvement of party workers contributed to maintaining a cohesive and motivated party cadre.

Policy Formulation:

Chennithala actively participated in policy formulation and decision-making processes within the KPCC. He represented the party's interests in discussions on important issues and played a role in shaping the party's agenda in Kerala.

Ramesh Chennithala's tenure as the President of the Kerala Pradesh Congress Committee reflects his deep involvement with the party's affairs in the state. His leadership and efforts were aimed at strengthening the party's presence, mobilizing support, and rejuvenating the organization.